Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010

Planung ohne Planer

Ein schönes Zitat von H.A. Simon zum Thema "Städtebau ohne Planung".
I retain vivid memories of the astonishment and disbelief expressed by the architecture students to whom I taught urban land economics many years ago when I pointed to medieval cities as marvelously patterned systems that had mostly just “grown” in response to myriads of individual decisions.
To my students a pattern implied a planner in whose mind it had been conceived and by whose hand it had been implemented. The idea that a city could acquire its pattern as “naturally” as a snowflake was foreign to them. They reacted to it as many Christian fundamentalists responded to Darwin: no design without a Designer!
Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, MIT Press, 1996, S. 33.

Simon, der 1978 den Nobelpreis in Ökonomie erhielt, hatte in den 40er Jahren am Architekturdepartement des Illinois Institute of Technology gelehrt. Das Departement stand damals unter der eisernen Leitung von Mies van der Rohe.
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